Moctezuma Crown

Moctezuma Crown
The Original Moctezuma Crown displayed at the Welt Museum of Vienna

One of the most important relics that are still remaining from the Aztec culture in Mexico is the Plume or Crest of the Emperor, the Famous Moctezuma Crown. Which was “stolen” by Hernan Cortes.

4 Facts About Moctezuma Crown

I am a Marketing Teacher, and although I like history, it is not my main subject. I will explain the history of Moctezuma Crests in five points.

It’s in Vienna and not in Mexico

At the moment this Mexican holdover is located at the Ethnologist Museum of ViennaWelt Museum. Although there is an exact replica in Mexico City.

There’s a theory that Moctezuma knew that the war was close, so he sent the Plume as a gift to Charles I to distract Hernan Cortes. But at the moment, Charles I was located in Germany. It was forgotten and found again to be displayed in the Museum.

Mexico wants it back but it’s mission impossible

For many years, the Mexican Government has tried to get the crown back. The last try was in October of 2020 after the words of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador that said “We are going to ask them if we can at least borrow it, although we know it’s not going to happen”.

In fact, he also mentioned that the Austrian Government didn’t even lend the crest to Maximiliano when he came to rule Mexico. The reason is that the relic is very fragile and wouldn’t bear the vibrations. Not even with technology.

Mexico has the Golden Float that Maximiliano used when he arrived in Mexico. So, the deal-breaker is in. But it’s too dangerous to exchange them.

Selfie with Moctezuma Crown
Selfie with Moctezuma Crown in the Ethnology Museum of Vienna

You can have a Selfie with Crown

Although what they might say about the security, once you are in the museum, you can be relatively close to the relic. It’s actually very large. It’s over a meter high and almost 2 meters wide. With bird feathers, precious stones, and gold laces.

It is in a room with passages and holdovers from other cultures and continents. There is a total replica at the Anthropology Museum of Mexico in Mexico City.

Mexicans in Vienna are all-mighty thanks to the Moctezuma Crown

I am not talking about being extra hot or treated better just for being Mexican. But the Welt Museum entrance is 16 Euro. However, if you bring your Mexican ID, you can enter the Museum for free. It’s huge! So if as a Mexican, you are in Vienna, I would recommend you to save one day for this wonderful place.

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