Whale Shark Cancun

Whale Shark Cancun
Whale Shark Cancun Snorkeling Tour girl swimming with the largest fish on Earth

This article is to share with you how was my experience with at a Whale Shark Cancun Snorkeling Tour. This time I made it with a new project called Captain Whale Shark. A local business with different service options and price ranges.

My Whale Shark Cancun Experience

First of all, it started from Puerto Juarez Port. That’s on the north side of Cancun. The tour boat fits up to 10 people. That makes it very comfortable for everybody. There are some small boats that bring up to 20 people in one small boat.

The tour takes place some miles away from Isla Contoy. It is funny that originally the Whale Shark tour was from Holbox. But because of tourism and the same nature, the Whale Shark Spot has moved. All the Whale Shark Tours from Cancun, Isla Mujeres, Holbox go to the exact same snorkeling spot. And now, this spot is located the closest to Isla Mujeres. So if you are planning to visit Holbox just because you want to swim with the Whale Shark, I recommend you to better start from Cancun or Isla Mujeres.

It takes up to 2 hours to get into Holbox and tours in Holbox are as expensive or even more than in Cancun.

So, you should better choose a Snorkeling Tour Company with radars, GPS and all certifications and government regulations. Be careful that sometimes there are scam boats from fishermen that try to bring people to Snorkel with the Whale Shark with no permits. But this is a mistake as the Whale Shark is an endangered species and there are a lot of regulations and cops. The boat ride from Cancun is a bit more than one hour. So you wouldn’t like to spend more than an hour in a boat to not be with the Whale Shark.

Also, be aware of the Whale Shark Season in Cancun to avoid getting ripped off. So, have fun, be careful and enjoy the Whale Shark in Mexico.

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